Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
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World War I
24 Feb 2021
Primary works
01.21.Christopher Nevinson, three paintings
01.32.Wilfred Owen.Dulce et decorum est
01.33.A. E. Housman, Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries
01.34.Hugh MacDiarmid. Another epitaph on an army of mercenaries
01.36.Ezra Pound.Sestina, Altaforte
01.41.Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
01.51.WWI propaganda posters
Secondary sources
01.52.Toby Clark, 4 Propaganda at War (from Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century, 102-123)
01.53.Sergiusz Michalski, 3 Memorials to the Great War (77-92), in Public Monuments.Art in Political Bondage 1870-1997)
Paths of Glory, Stanley Kubrick.
All Quiet on the Western Front, Lewis Milestone.
Gallipoli, Peter Weir.
1917, Sam Mendes.
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Revolution and Civil War in Russia
3 March 2021
Primary works
02.21.Sergei Ivanov, Exchange of fire (1905)
02.22.Ilya Repin.Demonstration on 17 October 1905 (1907-1911)
02.31.Boris Kustodiev, The Bolshevik (1920)
02.32.Aleksandr Deyneka.Interrogation of Communists at White Army Headquarters (1933)
02.33.Kazimir Malevich, Red Cavalry (1928-32)
02.41.Nâzım Hikmet, Salkımsöğüt
02.61.Mayakovsky. Selected Poems
02.62.Mayakovsky.Past One O'clock
Secondary sources
02.22a.(compare) Eugene Délacroix, Liberty Leading the People
02.63.Two different endings for Mustafa Kemal's Tenth Anniversary speech (1933)
02.71.Edward Penny, The Death of General Wolfe (1763, detail)
02.72.Benjamin West, The Death of General Wolfe (1770)
Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein.
October [Ten Days That shook the World], Sergei Eisenstein.
Reds, Warren Beatty.
Doctor Zhivago, David Lean.
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The Interwar Years and the Great Depression
10 March 2021
Primary works
03.15.Five images for the Interwar Years
03.16.The construction of the Empire State building in 1930
03.20.Paintings about Weimar, and the Rise of Fascism and Nazism
03.22.George Grosz, The Pillars of Society (1926)
03.23.Dorothea Lange, selected Great Depression photographs
03.24.Isaac Soyer, Employment Agency (1937)
03.25.The Failed Artist
03.31.Brecht, Concerning Poor B.B.
03.32.Brecht, Concerning the infanticide, Marie Farrar
03.41.W.H.Auden.The Unknown Citizen
03.43.Orhan Veli.Kitabe-i Seng-i Mezar
03.71a.Nazım Hikmet.835 Satır'dan, O Duvar (166-171)
03.71b.Nazım Hikmet.That wall (trans.Halil Berktay)
03.81.Ernest Hemingway, The Revolutionist (157-158)
03.82.Ernest Hemingway, Banal Story (360-362)
Secondary sources
03.91.Toby Clark, front pages + Introduction (7-15) to Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century
03.92.Toby Clark, Ch 1 Revolution, Reform, and Modernity 1900-1939 (16-45)
03.93.Sergiusz Michalski, front pages + Preface (7-11) for Public Monuments.Art in Political Bondage 1870-1997)
1900 (Novecento), Bernardo Bertolucci.
Grapes of Wrath, John Ford (1940).
The Remains of the Day, James Ivory.
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Fascism and Nazism
17 March 2021
Primary works
04.11.George Grosz, The Pillars of Society (1926)
04.12.Otto Dix, The Seven Deadly Sins (1933)
04.13.Marc Chagall, White Crucifixion (1938)
04.21.Ernest Hemingway, Che ti dice la patria (290-299)
04.22.Ezra Pound.Sestina, Altaforte
04.23.Carmina Burana lyrics (Carl Orff, 1935)
04.31.Brecht, Germany, pale mother
04.33.Brecht, The Burning of Books
04.38.Brecht, What did the soldier's wife receive
04.61.Images of the Metropolis, c.1900
04.62.The Futurist Manifesto, 1909 (full text)
04.65.Gino Severini, Visual Synthesis of the Idea 'War'
(HB, MoMA, 2013-03-23 13.46.14)
04.66.Boccioni on war (HB, MoMA, 2013-03-23 13.50.30)
04.67.Boccioni and Dix on WWI
Secondary sources
04.01.Hitler's 1938 Rome visit (general Fascism & Nazism image for 1930-39; Pictorial History, 146-7
04.03.Selected photographs on the rise of German Nazism
04.04.Photographs for Hitler and Nazi Germany (from Richard Overy, The Dictators)
04.05.Franz Krieger's 1940s photograph album (how it was identified)
04.51.Toby Clark, 2 Art, Propaganda, and Fascism (pp 46-71 in Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century)
04.52.Sergiusz Michalski, 4 The Nazi Monuments (pp 93-106 in Public Monuments.Art in Political Bondage 1870-1997)
04.101.Friedrich Engels.The gens among the Celts and Germans.
The formation of the state among the Germans
04.102.Heinrich von Treitschke.Politics
04.201.Victor Klemperer, I will bear witness (vol I, 1933-1941).Preface by Martin Chalmers (vii-xxii)
Julia, Fred Zinnemann.
To Kill A Mockingbird, Robert Mulligan.
The Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl.
The Shop on Main Street, Elmar Klos.
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Stalin and the Soviet Union
24 March 2021
Primary works
05.12.Nikolai Getman.(new prisoners just off the train; compare w Auschwitz)
05.13.Nikolai Getman.Selected paintings from the Gulag
05.21.Mayakovsky. Selected Poems
05.22.Anna Akhmatova, Requiem (1935-40)
05.24.Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon (1940)
05.26.Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962; full text)
Folder 05a.David King, The Commissar Vanishes (selected photographs)
Secondary sources
05.04.Photographs for Stalin and the Soviet Union (From Richard Overy, The Dictators)
05.31.NKVD's prison mugshots for Vsevolod Meyerhold, 1940 (p 115)
05.41.The Comintern's 21 conditions
05.42.The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its Secret Protocol
05.51.Toby Clark, 3 Propaganda in the Communist State (pp 72-101 in Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century)
05.52.Sergiusz Michalski, 5 The Communist Pantheon (pp 107-153 in Public Monuments.Art in Political Bondage 1870-1997)
05.62.Tony Judt, The Last Romantic (critique of Hobsbawm; NYRB 20 November 2003)
05.63.Anne Applebaum, The Worst of the Madness ( NYRB 11 November 2010)
Kisvilma, Marta Mezsaros.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Caspar Wrede.
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Axis aggression and the Spanish Civil War
31 March 2021
Primary works
06.21a.Los cuatro generales
06.21b.Les Quatre Généraux
06.22.Pablo Picasso, Guernica (1937)
06.42b.Pablo Neruda, 'A Few Things Explained' (Ben Belitt ed., Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda, 108-113
06.81.Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls
06.82.Ernest Hemingway, Old Man at the Bridge (78-80)
Secondary sources
06.83.George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia (1938)
06.91.La Guerre est finie (1966) Alain Resnais
Land and Freedom, Ken Loach.
For Whom the Bell Tolls, Sam Wood (1943).
Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre, Mou Tun Fei.
Don’t Cry, Nanking (Nanking 1937), Wu Ziniu (1955).
The Flowers of War, Zhang Yimou.
City of Life and Death, Lu Chuan.
John Rabe, Florian Gallenberger.
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World War II
7 April 2021
Primary works
07.011.W.H.Auden.September 1, 1939
07.012.Louis Aragon, Les lilas et les roses
07.031.Three paintings on WWII (Salvador Dali, Roy Lichtenstein, Renaldo Guttuso)
07.032.Iri and Toshi Maruki, Fire (on Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
07.034.Three images for the end of WWII
07.103.Orhan Veli.Harbe Giden
07.104.Orhan Veli.Bizim Gibi
07.105.Orhan Veli.Tereyağı
07.106.Orhan Veli.Gangster
07.107.Orhan Veli.Bayrak
07.213.Nâzım Hikmet, MİM 446-468 (Moskova muharebesi, partizan kız, Gabriel Peri)
07.213a.Nâzım, HLMC 362-403 (U-boats, Ivan, the Battle of Moscow, Zoe-Tanya, Gabriel Peri)
Secondary sources
07.301.Toby Clark, 4 Propaganda at War (from Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century, 102-123)
07.313a.Statues of the Panfilov Heroes (from Braithwaite, Moscow 1941)
07.313b.The Panfilov Heroes, truth and legend (Braithwaite, 266-269)
07.313c.Volokolamsk Highway (wiki)
07.313d.Zoya led to execution (from Braithwaite, Moscow 1941)
07.313e.Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a true story (Braithwaite 280-284)
Closely Watched Trains, Jiri Menzel.
Ivan’s Childhood, Andrei Tarkovsky.
Kanal, Andrzej Wajda.
Enemy at the Gates, Jean-Jacques Annaud.
Rome: Open City, Roberto Rossellini.
Dunkirk, Christopher Nolan.
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Occupation, Collaboration, Resistance
14 April 2021
Primary works
08.022.Louis Aragon, Richard II Quarante
08.023.Paul Eluard, Couvre-feu
08.023a.Paul Eluard, Karartma (Sabahattin Eyüboğlu çevirisi)
08.025.Paul Eluard, Liberté
08.025a.Paul Eluard, Liberty
08.025b.Paul Eluard, Hürriyet (Melih Cevdet ve Orhan Veli çevirisi)
Secondary sources
08.042.Stevan Filipovic and other images of the Yugoslav resistance
08.302.Mark Mazower.Ch 3 The Famine (Inside Hitler's Greece, pp 23-52)
Army of Shadows, Jean-Pierre Melville.
Battle of Sutjeska, Stipe Delic.
The Battle of Neretva Bridge, Veljko Bulajic.
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21 April 2021
Primary works
09.01.Felix Nussbaum, Self-portrait with Jewish passport
09.02.David Olére, The food of the dead for the living
09.03.R. B. Kitaj, If not, not
Secondary sources
09.11.Scenes from Auschwitz
09.21.Part of Sector B II in the Birkenau camp (from Auschwitz, the Residence of Death,2003, p 30)
09.22.Triple photos of prisoners (Auschwitz, 2003, p 35)
09.23.The railroad spur and ramp for new arrivals (Auschwitz, 2003, p 47)
09.24.Arrival and selection on the ramp (Auschwitz, 2003, p 49)
09.25.The road to the gas chambers (Auschwitz, 2003, p 53)
09.26.Women and children being led to the gas chambers and crematoria IV-V (Auschwitz, 2003, p 52)
09.27.Women with children on their way to death (Auschwitz, 2003, p 65)
09.28.SS photo, 1944 - waiting for death in the Crematoria IV and V gas chambers (Auschwitz, 2003, p 68)
09.29.From the camp commandant's memoirs (Auschwitz, 2003, p 60)
09.30.From the illegal notebook of the Jewish prisoner Leib Langfus 1 (Auschwitz, 2003, p 56)
09.31.From the illegal notebook of the Jewish prisoner Leib Langfus 2 (Auschwitz, 2003, p 57)
09.32.From a report written by the Polish escapee Jerzy Tabeau (Auschwitz, 2003, p 58)
09.34.Zalmen Lewental`s manuscript as discovered in 1962 (Auschwitz, 2003, p 67
09.35.Plundered remains (Auschwitz, 2003, p 81)
09.071.Michalski, Public Monuments Ch 6 In quest of a new heroic form (154-71)
09.072.Michalski, Public Monuments Ch 7 Invisibility and inversion (172-189)
Folder 09a.The Warsaw Ghetto
Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg.
The Pianist, Roman Polanski.
Sophie’s Choice, Alan J. Pakula.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Mark Herman.
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The Cold War
28 April 2021
Primary works
John le Carré, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963)
John le Carré, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1974)
John le Carré, The Honourable Schoolboy (1977)
John le Carré, Smiley’s People (1979)
Secondary sources
Folder 10.[context folder] The Cold War
Dr Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick.
The Complete Smiley – The Karla Trilogy (BBC TV series with Alec Guinness)
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Postwar Communism
5 May 2021
Primary works
11.031.Brecht, Thoughts concerning the duration of exile
11.032.Brecht, The Return
11.033.Brecht, To Posterity
11.034.Brecht, Die Lösung (Çözüm, The Solution)
11.102.Nâzım Hikmet, Lehistan Mektubu (1954 - Yeni Şiirler, 29-34)
11.103.Nâzım Hikmet, Macaristan Notları (1954 - Yeni Şiirler, 38-41)
11.104.Nâzım Hikmet, Macar Toprağı (1954 - Yeni Şiirler, 42-43)
11.114.Nâzım Hikmet, Saman Sarısı (1961 - Son Şiirleri, 69-82)
11.115.Nâzım Hikmet, Havana Röportajı (1961 - Son Şiirleri, 83-94
11.117.Nâzım Hikmet, taştandı tunçtandı alçıdandı kâattandı [Stalin üzerine] (1961 - Son Şiirleri, 105)
11.120.Nâzım Hikmet, Romanya'ya Dair Lirik Röportaj (1962 - Son Şiirleri, 141-143)
11.122.Nâzım Hikmet, Özlem [Macaristan] (1963 - Son Şiirleri, 179)
Secondary sources
11.011.Introduction.Gerö & Petö, Unfinished Socialism.Pictures from the Kadar Era (CEU 1999), 3-12
11.012.After the Revolution [of 1956].Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999), 15-24
11.013.31st July 1973 Simferopol summit meeting.Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999), 34-5
11.014.Kadar with other Communist leaders.Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999), 33)
11.015.After the hunt (Kadar among slain pheasants).Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999), 37
11.016.May 1, 1957 slogans and party rallies.Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999), 58
11.017.A Stakhanovite (Labor Hero).Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999)
11.018.A Soviet WWII veteran.Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999)
11.019.The régime's last days.Gerö & Petö (CEU 1999)
Folder 11a.Chinese propaganda posters from the Mao era
Man of Marble, Andrzej Wajda (1976).
Man of Iron, Andrzej Wajda (1981).
Danton, Andrzej Wajda (1983).
Angi Vera (Vera’s Training), Pal Gabor (1978).
The Confession, Costa Gavras.
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Decolonization and the Cold War in the Third World
19 May 2021
Primary works
12.011.Diego Rivera, The History of Mexico (1929-35 fresco)
12.012.Luc Tuymans, Lumumba (2000 painting)
12.013.Harry Holland, Steve Biko (1986 painting of the 1977 murder)
12.101.Neruda, Canto General (2000), Contents & Introduction (i-xvii, 1-12)
12.102.Neruda, CG (2000), Notes to Introduction (401-402)
12.103.Neruda, CG (2000).Vegetation, beasts, birds, rivers, minerals (13-23)
12.103a.Pablo Neruda, 'Some Beasts' (Ben Belitt, Selected Poems of PN, 118-21)
12.104.Neruda, CG (2000), The Conquistadors, beginning (43-7)
12.107.Neruda, CG (2000), Lima procession; US companies (175-84)
12.107a.Pablo Neruda, 'The United Fruit Co' (Ben Belitt, Selected Poems of PN, 148-51)
12.121.Neruda, The Heights of Macchu Picchu (1966), Parts I-V (1-19)
12.122.Neruda, THMP, Parts VII-XII (31-71)
Secondary sources
12.01.The Fall and Rise of Empires, Asia 1945 to the present (THW ch 18, 232-3)
12.02.The Fall of Empires, Africa 1945 to the present (THW ch 19, 234-235)
12.301.Michalski, Public Monuments Ch 8 Public monuments in the Third World (190-200)
The Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo.
Indochine, Regis Wagnier.
Gandhi, Richard Attenborough.
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China, Korea, Vietnam
26 May 2021
Primary works
13.01.Opening images for Vietnam
13.02.Peter Saul, Saigon (1967 painting)
Folder 11a.Chinese propaganda posters from the Mao era
Secondary sources
13.31.(see) Maps 12-13, 15 (from II.The Outbreak of the Cold War; John Swift, Historical Atlas of the Cold War)
13.41.The Chinese Civil War and Korea 1949-53 (Times History of War ch 17, 230-231)
13.52.Vietnam.Indochina at War, 1945-75 (Times History of War ch 23, 242-243)
Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola.
The Platoon, Oliver stone.
Full Metal Jacket, Stanley Kubrick.
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The Balkans, the Middle East, and Latin America
2 June 2021
Primary works
14a.01.Opening images for the Middle East
011.01.Opening images for Latin America
Secondary sources
14a.31.Arab-Israeli Wars 1945 to the present (Times History of War ch 20, 236-237)
14a.32.Gulf Wars 1980-2003 (Times History of War ch 26, 248-249)
14a.51.(1948) 1st Arab-Israeli War (20th Century Pictorial History, 267-72)
14a.52.(1956) 2nd Arab-Israeli War & the Suez Crisis (20th Century Pictorial History, 317-22)
14a.53.(1967) 3rd Arab-Israeli [Six Days'] War (20th Century Pictorial History, 389-94)
14a.54.(1973) 4th Arab-Israeli [Yom Kippur] War (20th Century Pictorial History, 427-32)
The Official Story, Luis Puenzo.
Before the Rain, Milcho Mancheski.
Omar, Hany Abu-Assad.
The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow.