Hafta | Konu | Ön Hazırlık | Dökümanlar |
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Lecture 1a
Introduction; course mechanics
12.01.Anglin and Hamblin.Basic Concepts of History
(*) 23.01.Fagan.A Scientific Pursuit
26.01.Ibn Haldun.Muqaddimah 2-32 Introduction (on History)
Four major books’ tables of contents
71.01.Ernest Gellner.Plough, Sword and Book (contents)
Jared Diamond.001.Title pages; table of contents (pp 3-7 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
130.Michael Cook.A Brief History of the Human Race.Cover page to xxiv (table of contents and preface)
[in folder 74, Neil MacGregor] 1.Contents (vii-xii)
Lecture 1b
A notion of time; Neandertals and “us”;
what makes us human
Jared Diamond.009.Photo album from ch 5 - on human variety
Jared Diamond.020.Photo album from ch 14 - on human variety
22.01.KGO'B.vol I.Ch 1.The First Civilizations (3-36)
Ötzi’s Last Meal
Before Civilization
The Dominance of Culture
Paintings: A Cultural Record
13.01.Charles Frazee, World History the Easy Way.Ch 1_The First Humans
[in folder 74, Neil MacGregor] 3.Part One.Making us Human 2,000,000 - 9000 BC (1)
5.2 Olduvai Stone Chopping Tool 1.8 - 2 million years old (8-12)
6.3 Olduvai Handaxe 1.2 - 1.4 million years old (13-16)
7.4 Swimming Reindeer 11000 BC (17-21)
8.5 Clovis Spear Point 11000 BC (22-26)
26.04.Ibn Haldun.Muqaddimah 45-48 (human superiority and social organization)
(*) 13.12.Olivia Judson, Kissing Cousins [on the Neandertal genome]
(*) 13.13.Nicholas Wade, Signs of Neandertals mating with humans
(*) 23.02.Fagan.17.The Puzzle of Human Origins
(*) 23.03.Fagan.18.How Did Language Evolve
(*) 23.04.Fagan.19.What Happened to the Neanderthals
(*) Popular readings from Folder 63
0144.(BBC 24.3.2019) Huge fossil discovery made in China's Hubei province
0145.(BBC 29.3.2019) Chixculub asteroid impact - stunning fossil finds document dinosaurs' demise
0227.(BBC 10.9.2019) The day the dinosaurs' world fell apart
0234.(BBC 1.10.2019) Babies in the womb have lizard-like hand muscles
0221.(BBC 29.8.2019) 'All bets now off' on which ape was humanity's earliest ancestor
0112.(BBC 13.9.2018) Oldest known painting found on tiny rock in South Africa
0028.(BBC 22.2.2018) Neanderthals were capable of making art
0089.(BBC 30.4.2018) Australia's ancient language shaped by sharks
0195.(BBC 16.6.2019) Miriwoong - the Australian language which barely anybody speaks
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Lecture 2a
The cumulative character of human culture;
dynamism and invasiveness
131.Michael Cook.A Brief History of the Human Race.1-52
(PART ONE Why Is History the Way It Is, chs 1-3)
1. The Palaeolithic Background
I. Why did history happen when it did?
II. Genetics and the origins of the human race,
III. Stone tools
13.11.Human evolution (ppt)
13.21.Human dynamism and invasiveness (images of the spread of peoples and cultures) (ppt)
(*) 13.22.Earliest peoples with names in Europe - Celts, Scythians, Cimmerians (ppt)
(*) 13.31.Indo-Aryan movements into Iran and India (ppt)
(*) 13.32.(the invasion and settlement of) the Americas - peopling and earliest hunters (ppt)
(*) Popular readings from Folder 63
0004.(BBC 25.1.2018) Modern humans left Africa much earlier
0096.(Vintage News, 21.5.2018) Human footprints c.85,000 years ago found in Saudi Arabia
0204.(BBC 11.7.2019) Earliest modern human found outside Africa
0173.(NYT 1.5.2019) Carl Zimmer - Denisovan jawbone discovered in a cave in Tibet
0166.(BBC 16.4.2019) Stonehenge - DNA reveals origin of builders
0141.(BBC 15.3.2019) Paul Rincon - Wandering males transformed Spain's DNA
0134.(BBC 8.2.2019) Tom Chatfield, Technology in deep time - how it evolves alongside us
Lecture 2b
History and theory; periodization problems;
how to mark and separate eras
71.02.Ernest Gellner.(from) Ch 1 In the beginning (11-23).pdf
Jared Diamond.002.Preface - Why is world history like an onion
(pp 9-11 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
Jared Diamond.003.Prologue - Yali's Question (pp 13-32 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
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Lecture 3a
Further comments on periodization:
Is there a perfect scheme that fits “everything”?
Lecture 3b
Major material constraints and human livelihoods:
a simplified three-thresholds model of history
11.01.Clive Ponting.Overview 1 - 10,000 BCE (p 48 in Ponting, World History)
11.02.Clive Ponting.Overview 2 - the world in 5000 BCE (p 70 in Ponting, World History)
16.01.Charles Frazee.World History the Easy Way.Ch 2_The New Stone Age
22.01.KGO'B.vol I.Ch 1.The First Civilizations (3-36)
Before Civilization - Social Organization, Agriculture, and Religion
16.05.Ibn Haldun.Muqaddimah 49-57 (geography and civilization)
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Lecture 4a
Non-state livelihoods 1. Scavengers, hunter-gatherers;
procurement vs production
14.35.[Lucy and her kin as scavenging meat-eaters]
14.40.Stone Age myth and magic in Africa (ppt)
14.42.American hunters-gatherers, c.1000 (ppt)
14.50.Images of modern hunter-gatherers (ppt)
25.01.The Everyday Life of An Ice Age Hunter
[in folder 74, Neil MacGregor] 3.Part One.Making us Human 2,000,000 - 9000 BC (1)
5.2 Olduvai Stone Chopping Tool 1.8 - 2 million years old (8-12)
6.3 Olduvai Handaxe 1.2 - 1.4 million years old (13-16)
7.4 Swimming Reindeer 11000 BC (17-21)
8.5 Clovis Spear Point 11000 BC (22-26)
(*) Popular readings from Folder 63
0216.(BBC 16.8.2019) Extinction - humans played a big role in the demise of the cave bear
0236.(BBC 4.10.2019) Vintage photos offer glimpse of the Upper Amazon 150 years ago
0212.(BBC 11.8.2019) Chagabi Etacore, the leader killed by contact with the outside world
Lecture 4b
Forms and systems of belief 1. Tribes and confederations;
kinship, totemism, polytheism
22.01.KGO'B.vol I.Ch 1.The First Civilizations (3-36)
Before Civilization - Social Organization, Agriculture, and Religion
14.40.Stone Age myth and magic in Africa
25.01.The Everyday Life of An Ice Age Hunter
25.02.The Everyday Life of A Stone Age Trader
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Lecture 5a
Forms and systems of belief 2.
From zoomorphic totemism
to anthropomorphic polytheism
Lecture 5b
Non-state livelihoods 2.
Domestication of seeds and animals;
the invention of agriculture
131.Michael Cook.A Brief History of the Human Race.1-52
(PART ONE Why Is History the Way It Is, chs 1-3)
2. The Neolithic Revolution
I. Why has the making of history been a runaway process?
The emergence of farming
The deepening of the Neolithic Revolution
II. The genetics of domesticated plants and animals
III. Pottery
(*) Jared Diamond.010.ch 6 To farm or not to farm (pp 104-113 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
(*) Jared Diamond.011.ch 7 How to make an almond (pp 114-130 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
(*) Jared Diamond.012.ch 8 Apples or Indians (pp 131-156 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
(*) Popular readings from Folder 63
0207.(BBC 16.7.2019) In pictures - 9000 year-old settlement found in Israel
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Lecture 6a
Pre-state Agraria: Early farming societies
25.02.The Everyday Life of A Stone Age Trader
25.03.The Everyday Life of A Celtic Farmer
Jared Diamond.013.ch 9 Zebras, unhappy marriages, and the Anna Karenina principle
(pp 157-175 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
Jared Diamond.014.ch 10 Spacious skies and tilted axes (pp 176-191 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
Jared Diamond.016.ch 11 Lethal gift of livestock (pp 195-214 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
Lecture 6b
Peasant production and PTS (potentially taxable surplus)
Jared Diamond.007.ch 4 Farmer power (pp 85-92 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel)
Jared Diamond.008.ch 5 History's haves and have-nots (pp 93-103 in Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel
[in folder 74, Neil MacGregor] 9.Part Two.After the Ice Age - Food and Sex 9000-3500 BC (27)
10.6 Bird-shaped Pestle 6000-2000 BC (29-33)
11.7 Ain Sakhri Lovers Figurine 9000 BC (34-38)
12.8 Egyptian Clay Model of Cattle 3500 BC (39-43)
13.9 Maya Maize God Statue AD 715 (44-48)
14.10 Jomon Pot 5000 BC (49-53)
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Lecture 7a
Macro-parasitism: a metaphor for subject-peasant societies
Lecture 7b
Forms and systems of belief 3. Polytheism, Oriental religions,
and religions of the book
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Lecture 8a
Non-state livelihoods 3.
Nomadism and mounted archery
17.11.Framing the Earliest Civilizations (ppt, esp slides 6-7)
15.31.The world of the steppes.The landscape
15.31a.Captions for '05.31.The world of the steppes.The landscape' powerpoint
15.33.Gers or yurts
15.34a.Captions for 05.34.Horses powerpoint
Lecture 8b
In search of Turkic history:
Culture over ethnicity in Central Asia
15.35.Mounted Archery (and other aspects of steppe warfare)
15.60.Steppe empires and warrior types
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Lecture 9a
The rise and fall of mounted peoples
and steppe empires
Lecture 9b
From the steppe empires, through the Seljuks and Ottomans,
to the Turks of modern Turkey
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Lecture 10a
Prelude to state-formation 1. Migrations, invasions, dark ages -
the role of movement in history
21.12.Early peoples and Indo-European beginnings
21.13.Possible Indo-European breakup patterns (from Tim Unwin, A European Geography)
21.14.Indo-European languages (from Tim Unwin, A European Geography)
Lecture 10b
Prelude to state-formation 2. Pirates, warlords, land-grabbers -
the role of violence in history
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Lecture 11a
Three key elements of civilization
(1) Writing and other systems of information storage
(*) 01.14.Clive Ponting..ch 4 The Emergence of Civilization (pp 72-107 in Ponting, World History)
? only section 4.8 on writing, including the tables on p. 103
(*) 01.18.Clive Ponting.ch 8 Expansion 1000-200 BCE (pp 188-230 in Ponting, World History)
? only section 8.7 on the Phoenicians and the Levant, including Chart 3 on p. 211
(on the emergence and spread of alphabetic scripts)
21.11.Framing the Earliest Civilizations (ppt, esp slides 1-5; disregard the Chronology)
21.15.0.Trade and the spread of writing in the first millennium BC
21.15.1.The Arabic alphabet
21.15.2.The Armenian alphabet
21.15.3.Telugu - Southern India - Andhra Pradesh
Lecture 11b
Three key elements of civilization
(2) What is a city: a descriptive approach
11.01.Marvin Perry et al.Ch 1.The Ancient Near East - the First Civilizations (2-28)
12.01.KGO'B.vol I.Ch 1.The First Civilizations (3-36)
16.02.Ibn Haldun.Muqaddimah 33-39 (civilization)
(*) 16.05.Ibn Haldun.Muqaddimah 49-57 (geography and civilization)
11.03.Clive Ponting.Overview 3 - the world in 2000 BC (p 108 in Ponting, World History)
11.04.Clive Ponting.Overview 4 - the world in 500 BCE (p 231 in Ponting, World History)
11.05.Clive Ponting.Overview 5 - the world in 150 CE (p 263 in Ponting, World History)
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Lecture 12a
What is a city:
a definition and a thought experiment
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Lecture 13a
Cash-based and fief-based states
Lecture 13b
Fiefs, fief systems, fief-based states
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Lecture 14a
Universality vs specificity
in fief-based states
Lecture 14b
In what sense was the Ottoman Empire
a hybrid state?